Pledge Total for Star Citizen

Learn more about Star Citizen

Below you find the automatically calculated grand total of pledges from both crowdfunding campaigns on Kickstarter and the RSI homepage.

Service Backers Pledged Percentage of…
…minimum goal …next stretch goal …next service goal
RSI 55096 4,091,995.00 USD 204.60 % 68.20 % -
Kickstarter 34385 2,133,586.86 USD 106.68 % 35.56 % -
TOTAL - 6,225,581.86 USD 311.28 % 103.76 % -

Last updated: 2012-11-19 19:00:55+0000 (No more updates, the campaign is over!)

Additional Kickstarter goals: ALL UNLOCKED
Additional star systems: ALL UNLOCKED (Known systems and connections: PNG, generated from

Note about the totals: this page doesn't sum up the backers from RSI and KS, as that number would contain double backers too. The USD grand total represents the actual and not the rounded total! RSI shows a rounded total.

Data sources: RSI (HTML) and KS (JSON)
Technologies used: Perl and the modules Web::Scraper, JSON::XS, LWP::UserAgent and POSIX.

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